Installation from Dockerfile

If you’d prefer to use the Docker image to execute EnTAP, this can be done through Docker or Singularity.


The Docker image can either be created locally from the Dockerfile, or pulled from Dockerhub.

To download the latest image from Dockerhub:

docker image pull plantgenomics/entap:latest

To download a specific version of the EnTAP Docker image:

docker image pull plantgenomics/entap:vX.Y.Z

The list of arguments that can be ran through the image will be described in the following pages.


Pay special attention to the entap_config.ini file located under /docker/entap_config.ini in the repo. The software execution paths here are specific to the Docker image paths and should not be changed!


To download the latest Docker image through Singularity:

singularity pull entap.sif docker://plantgenomics/entap:latest

To download a specific version of the EnTAP Docker image through Singularity:

singularity pull entap.sif docker://plantgenomics/entap:vX.Y.Z

The list of arguments that can be ran through the image will be described in the following pages.


Pay special attention to the entap_config.ini file located under /docker/entap_config.ini in the repo. The software execution paths here are specific to the Docker image paths and should not be changed!